Death By Pie

‘After the last 18 months we’ve just had, I think it’s time to sit back, leave the modern worries behind and lose yourself in
the Pirate world. Harriet, Harry & The Pirates is a celebration of a child’s imagination.
Hannah and I, have spent the last 3 years talking like Harriet, discussing her likes/dislikes and her wacky imagination.
We hope Harriet’s kookiness and child innocence reminds adults of what it was like to feel like ‘you can literally do or be anything’. And we hope every child wants to be Harriet’s friend. So, if you want to be a pirate? Grab your best eye patch and (for at least 2 hours) - you can be!’
- Nathan Smith
Now, you might recognise this lil’ land lubber from a land far away from here called ‘Benidorm’. Hannah was wildly known as thescallywag ‘Chantelle Garvey’ during those years. After years of sailing the oceans blue, she moved on to BBC’s‘Cranford’ - where she
established herself as one of the most dangerous buccaneers around. She’s also been known to sing a ditty or two with Manchester’s notorious ‘Halle Choir’.
Twitter: @hannahhobley

The Faces you will be lookin’ at...
Hannah Hobley
Scott Hodgson
Scott can soon be seen swashbuckling as Kirk
Hammett in ITV Studios’ Breaking the Band.
He has also sailed his way over to Dubai, playing the title roles in tours of Aladdin and
Ali Baba. He has enjoyed playing several roles written by the bard, William Shakespeare, such as Macbeth in.... err...Macbeth. This is the 3rd time Scott has walked the plank with Death by Pie.
Twitter: @scotthodgey

James Beglin
James has sailed the seven seas, from Saudi
Arabia with the National Youth Theatre, to Italy with Smile Theatre and even to the Edinburgh Fringe with this here Death By Pie. He’s been seen in in these ports before with ‘Car Park King’ where he played British Royalty (BOO! HISS!). James once fell off the stage at the Theatre Royal in Norwich and considers it the highlight of his career.
Twitter: @jamesbeg

Roisin McCusker
This deadly siren has had the pleasures of looting well known treasure chests such as The Lowry and Oldham Coliseum. But during the plague of 2020, she and her bucko decided to make people shiver their timbers through spooky tales that can be watched at film festivals. But according to the ancient legend… If you type Frighthub into Youtube - the map will lead you straight towards the cursed swag!
Twitter: @McCuskerRoisin

Nathan smith
This seadog is also the wordsmith of this travesty. He is also a lover and writer of a good ol’ sea shanty. Nathan has recently been marooned in The Never-land(s) playing
soldiers and chimney sweeps with Phileas Fogg Theatre Company. At Christmas time, you’ll usually find him dressed as a mouthy wench in Rochdale. He is the captain of the Death By Pie ship… But expects a mutiny any day now!
Twitter: @nathrichsmith

Ben Sherlock
Ben is delighted to set sail on his first adventure with the Death By Pie crew this summer. He normally drops his anchor on the deserted island of Rochdale each Christmas giving you a shanty or two as the Comic with AB Productions. Aye, Ben has entertained the lads & lassies in the great outdoors before with roles in As You Like It, Wind in the Willows & King Lear.
Twitter @_bensherlock
Who are these Faces Playing?
Hannah Hobley: Harriet Pippin
James Beglin: Gary the Translator, Mr De’vil, Captain Bushy Beard
Ben Sherlock: Uncle Alan, Byron The Cabin Boy, Hank the Incredibly Handsome Pirate, Sebastian
Roisin McCusker: Mrs De’vil, Captain Mullet
Scott Hodgson: Pete the Dancing Chef, Mum, Pirate Master, Monsieur Jacque
Nathan Smith: Dr Stork, Scurvy Jones, No Eyed Jack, Claude
The role of Jim Hawkins is played by no-one… Because
he does not exist and is a fictional character!
Just don’t tell Harriet this…
DEATH BY PIE was founded in 2014 because Nathan Smith loves pie and comedy (in that order). We specialise in theatrical comedy. What does that mean you ask? Well it means we recreate popular genres on a ridiculously low budget, through inventive slapstick and musical parodies.
Behind the scenes people:
Writer/Director: Nathan Smith
Set design: Lucy Jane Devane
Fight Choreography: Matthew Rothwell
Music: Written by Nathan Smith and co-arranged by Hannah Hobley
Promotional Photos: Dan Burgess
Instagram: @dansphoto
Arts Council England, Gwenda & Andy Eckersley, Friends of Queen’s Park, John Keys, Christine Howard, Alistair Cook, Lydia Dayes, Fay Flatt, Sarah Allen, Barry Jenkins, Walkden Community, JK O’Neil, Kelly Coughlin, Laura Purdey, The Grange, Esther FerryKennington, The Parrs Wood, Barry Jenkins, Walkden Legion, Dylan Hopkins, Gemma Singleton, Dan Burgess, Dan Brazier, Shay Rowan, Debbie Manley, Lisa Conner, Zena Barrie, Peter Stone, Andrew Knowles, Terence Chapman, Sandra & Richard Smith, Laurie Mc, Trevor Hodgson, Elvi Piper, Matthew Smith, Mike McCusker, Anton Benson, Rose Gray, Jess McDonagh, Blackpool School of Arts,
Blackpool & The Fylde College and Kora Kandy Smith!
We’ll sail the seven seas,
As far as the eyes can see.
This pirate life and having fights,
Is all that we believe!
We’ll sail the seven seas,
We’re carried by the breeze.
He’s drunk so much coffee
Now he really needs a wee!
You’ll never be alone!
This ship is your new home!
So, grab a drink and jump around,
Ooo Fish!
Yarr Taco!
Writer's Note...